

Tuesday, 22 March 2011

Our Beneficiary

What is Beneficiary?
Beneficiary is the people who will be given the money that collected from the donations and our project .

Our Beneficiary : MI AL Istiqomah Primary School , Pulogadung

Our project , walkathon will also help the beneficiary by giving them money that we collected from donations and walking pledges . Our school SIS KG , has a goal  to collect money approximately...
Rp 100,000,000

Why we need to collect these much?
Because we will do some repairments and give them some equipments to study . So , the amount of money that we still collecting will be used to help them , these are the list of things that we will do to the school :
  • Improvement of school's second floor 
  • Supplying laptops and colour printer
  • Supplying wall shelves for classroms
  • Improving stairs to second floor 
  • Improving one and their only toilet
  • Supplying wall fan in teacher's room
  • Supplying school supplies for students

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